Originally posted by WuDrWu
Originally posted by ISASO
Anyone see that Axelrod stated that the rally was bogus and wasn't representative of true America. AND that they will press forward with the reform legislation in spite of the message.
As long as I am talking about things I have had enough of........
1)I am tired of these Washington talking heads telling me I (and others thinking alike) that we are wrong. We are not wrong, at WORST we differ in how we think things should be done...but we are not WRONG.
2)Is anyone else tired of hearing "If we don't get this done now, we never will....." ?
What the hell does that mean? "Hi, I'm Harry Reid. If we don't shove this legislation down the throats of Americans right now we'll never get the chance again because Americans will throw us out on our collective asses when they realize what we are up to....".
Is their message so weak, so bad that they are convinced that they'll never be voted into power like they are now? Perhaps this is the only time they are really truthful........