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Own it

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  • Own it

    Conservatives, you have the floor. For better or worse, this is your government. You can pass whatever you want. You can win any Supreme Court case you want. There are no external checks and balances, nothing to blame, nothing to hide.

    Last quarter GDP growth was 2.9%. Unemployment was 4.9%, underemployment was 12.9%. 14.5% live below the poverty line. Median household income is $51,939. Inflation is 1.5%. A dollar is worth .92 Euros, .80 pounds, 106 Yen, 6.8 Yuan, 19.9 pesos, 63.8 Rubles. We have a trade deficit of $39.47B, a deficit of $587B, and a debt of $22.2T. Gold is going for $1276, silver for $1845. The DOW is at 18,589, NASDAQ at 5,251, S&P at 2163. The President has an approval rating of 56%.

    Whatever happens to those numbers in the next 4 years is the complete result of conservative policy. If they improve, it was the conservatives in the House, in the Senate, in the Supreme Court, in the Presidency, in 30 governorships and a majority of the state houses nationwide. If they decline, it was because of those same conservatives.

    View this as an opportunity to finally prove that conservative economics and governorship is the one true path for the United States to succeed. And if that doesn't happen, don't blame the powerless liberals that most likely won't even have filibuster power. Don't blame Obama, whose policies can be wholly repealed. Don't blame minorities for failing to cooperate or for stealing jobs. Own it.

    In a year, if I remember I will take another look at these numbers. We can only pray they go in the direction conservatives want.
    Last edited by CBB_Fan; November 9, 2016, 03:28 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
    Conservatives, you have the floor. For better or worse, this is your government. You can pass whatever you want. You can win any Supreme Court case you want. There are no external checks and balances, nothing to blame, nothing to hide.

    Last quarter GDP growth was 2.9%. Unemployment was 4.9%, underemployment was 12.9%. 14.5% live below the poverty line. Median household income is $51,939. Inflation is 1.5%. A dollar is worth .92 Euros, .80 pounds, 106 Yen, 6.8 Yuan, 19.9 pesos, 63.8 Rubles. We have a trade deficit of $39.47B, a deficit of $587B, and a debt of $22.2T. Gold is going for $1276, silver for $1845. The DOW is at 15,589, NASDAQ at 5,251, S&P at 2163. The President has an approval rating of 56%.

    Whatever happens to those numbers in the next 4 years is the complete result of conservative policy. If they improve, it was the conservatives in the House, in the Senate, in the Supreme Court, in the Presidency, in 30 governorships and a majority of the state houses nationwide. If they decline, it was because of those same conservatives.

    View this as an opportunity to finally prove that conservative economics and governorship is the one true path for the United States to succeed. And if that doesn't happen, don't blame the powerless liberals that most likely won't even have filibuster power. Don't blame Obama, whose policies can be wholly repealed. Don't blame minorities for failing to cooperate or for stealing jobs. Own it.

    In a year, if I remember I will take another look at these numbers. We can only pray they go in the direction conservatives want.

    It's going to take a lot of hard work to fix what you and your liberals screwed up. But we'll try. I hope you do too.


    • #3
      The DJIA is at 18,589.


      • #4
        Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
        It's going to take a lot of hard work to fix what you and your liberals screwed up. But we'll try. I hope you do too.
        Like I said, you get the chance to prove the liberals screwed up in a very simple way. Make those numbers improve. If you can't, own the fact. If you can, own the fact. Don't toot your horn now.

        PS: I voted Johnson and would far prefer libertarian economics over the current right-wing brand.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Play Angry View Post
          The DJIA is at 18,589.


          • #6
            For the record, the economy was going to tank in this presidency regardless of winner. It's like clockwork. Check your watches.


            • #7
              Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
              In a year, if I remember I will take another look at these numbers. We can only pray they go in the direction conservatives want.
              Because, yes, within one year of inauguration, our new leaders will be in place, will have met, will have debated new bills, will have passed new bills, will have filled Supreme Court vacancies, will have had new judges hear and rule on new cases, will have had new cases and new bills be implemented and become laws, will have had enough time for said rulings and laws to have an impact, and will have been studied and reported on in the media.

              Yes, within a year we will have fully tested conservatism. Republicans will be fully responsible for everything. Obama's Presidency will have zero lingering effects. Probably won't even take a year. Might as well check back in next summer.

              @CBB_Fan ... Go step on a LEGO


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jamar Howard 4 President View Post
                Because, yes, within one year of inauguration, our new leaders will be in place, will have met, will have debated new bills, will have passed new bills, will have filled Supreme Court vacancies, will have had new judges hear and rule on new cases, will have had new cases and new bills be implemented and become laws, will have had enough time for said rulings and laws to have an impact, and will have been studied and reported on in the media.

                Yes, within a year we will have fully tested conservatism. Republicans will be fully responsible for everything. Obama's Presidency will have zero lingering effects. Probably won't even take a year. Might as well check back in next summer.

                @CBB_Fan ... Go step on a LEGO
                Next year isn't an end-all be all, it is a check-in. In another year, we can recheck on the numbers to see if they trend upwards. And in another year. It doesn't have to be a one-off thing. Conservatives have complete control of every branch through 2020 (there will not be a midterm election in 2018, as with 25 D to 8 R seats there is no chance for even slight democratic victories). There is literally nothing any liberal can do for the next 4 years to impact this country's policies on even the slightest level.

                But yes, things will move FAR faster than they have ever moved before and we should see numbers far sooner. In the past, you could see lengthy discussions between the majority and minority parties even if the majority was lopsided as in 2008 and things would get bogged down very quickly. That isn't possible, and if the Republicans enact the nuclear option then it is even faster. Bills don't need to be debated in a one party state like they do in a two-party state, and we have a one-party state for 4 years.

                Getting your abortion ban might take longer because the Supreme Court is slower, but Republicans could defund Planned Parenthood completely the day after the election. They could repeal Obamacare the next. Appointing justices and hearing cases will be take a longer time, tax changes will take a while to have an effect, but most of what you want to accomplish will happen near instantly without any possible dissension.

                Are you saying the numbers will go dramatically down for some reason? Does that mean all the negative affects of Obama kicked in, for some reason, after he left office? No. You can claim the results are only temporary, but by the next election that claim will have no meaning. And it isn't like conservative media waited a year to call Obama a failure. I'm willing to wait a year, 2 years, 4 years. But by the end, if we aren't in a utopia or at least a better place I expect people to finally own it.


                • #9
                  The timebomb of the underfunded ACA is looming. The Fed will increase interest rates. There is more.

                  How long can conservatives blame Obama?
                  There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Now you stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese.


                  • #10
                    And the meltdown continues.

                    Do you honestly believe that the left was gonna rule the White House til the end of time? This **** is cyclical. It's not rocket science. (Well for some it is..)

                    The country balances itself out every 4 to 8 years. Deal with it or GTFO. I hear Canada has an outstanding healthcare program where getting your meds will be as easy and cheap as pie.
                    Deuces Valley.
                    ... No really, deuces.
                    "Enjoy the ride."

                    - a smart man


                    • #11
                      The all-encompassasing sanctimony coming from the losers in yesterday's election is enough to challenge one's sanity, and I didn't even vote for the damn guy.

                      It was a vote against the status quo, the establishment, and all parties that profit from such. Nothing more.

                      And for someone who considers the government to be a middler (which I agree) you sure take a funny tact in looking for a market result to political policy. Are you big government or small government, because I'm confused.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MoValley John View Post
                        The timebomb of the underfunded ACA is looming. The Fed will increase interest rates. There is more.

                        How long can conservatives blame Obama?
                        Prolly about as long as Obama blamed Bush.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                          Conservatives, you have the floor.
                          Not sure that (Conservatives) is an accurate description but the Republicans do have the floor and need to paint or get off the ladder. It won't be an easy task. In fact, this election may have been a careful what your wish for scenario for any and all candidates seeking the job. I wish them well though.

                          I am somewhat skeptical that the Republican big government solutions will be much better than the Democrat big government solutions. Maybe there will be some movement to devolve power back to the states but the only ones talking about that were Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin.
                          Last edited by 1972Shocker; November 9, 2016, 06:18 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                            Conservatives, you have the floor. For better or worse, this is your government. You can pass whatever you want. You can win any Supreme Court case you want. There are no external checks and balances, nothing to blame, nothing to hide.

                            Last quarter GDP growth was 2.9%. Unemployment was 4.9%, underemployment was 12.9%. 14.5% live below the poverty line. Median household income is $51,939. Inflation is 1.5%. A dollar is worth .92 Euros, .80 pounds, 106 Yen, 6.8 Yuan, 19.9 pesos, 63.8 Rubles. We have a trade deficit of $39.47B, a deficit of $587B, and a debt of $22.2T. Gold is going for $1276, silver for $1845. The DOW is at 18,589, NASDAQ at 5,251, S&P at 2163. The President has an approval rating of 56%.

                            Whatever happens to those numbers in the next 4 years is the complete result of conservative policy. If they improve, it was the conservatives in the House, in the Senate, in the Supreme Court, in the Presidency, in 30 governorships and a majority of the state houses nationwide. If they decline, it was because of those same conservatives.

                            View this as an opportunity to finally prove that conservative economics and governorship is the one true path for the United States to succeed. And if that doesn't happen, don't blame the powerless liberals that most likely won't even have filibuster power. Don't blame Obama, whose policies can be wholly repealed. Don't blame minorities for failing to cooperate or for stealing jobs. Own it.

                            In a year, if I remember I will take another look at these numbers. We can only pray they go in the direction conservatives want.
                            Do I sense some passive aggressive hostilities?
                            Livin the dream


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CBB_Fan View Post
                              Next year isn't an end-all be all, it is a check-in. In another year, we can recheck on the numbers to see if they trend upwards. And in another year. It doesn't have to be a one-off thing. Conservatives have complete control of every branch through 2020 (there will not be a midterm election in 2018, as with 25 D to 8 R seats there is no chance for even slight democratic victories). There is literally nothing any liberal can do for the next 4 years to impact this country's policies on even the slightest level.

                              But yes, things will move FAR faster than they have ever moved before and we should see numbers far sooner. In the past, you could see lengthy discussions between the majority and minority parties even if the majority was lopsided as in 2008 and things would get bogged down very quickly. That isn't possible, and if the Republicans enact the nuclear option then it is even faster. Bills don't need to be debated in a one party state like they do in a two-party state, and we have a one-party state for 4 years.

                              Getting your abortion ban might take longer because the Supreme Court is slower, but Republicans could defund Planned Parenthood completely the day after the election. They could repeal Obamacare the next. Appointing justices and hearing cases will be take a longer time, tax changes will take a while to have an effect, but most of what you want to accomplish will happen near instantly without any possible dissension.

                              Are you saying the numbers will go dramatically down for some reason? Does that mean all the negative affects of Obama kicked in, for some reason, after he left office? No. You can claim the results are only temporary, but by the next election that claim will have no meaning. And it isn't like conservative media waited a year to call Obama a failure. I'm willing to wait a year, 2 years, 4 years. But by the end, if we aren't in a utopia or at least a better place I expect people to finally own it.
                              Last I heard, O'Bama said that we still were recovering from Bush and 2008.

