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  • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
    Well duh...

    2016 Person of the Year: Donald Trump

    I thought this quote was interesting...

    "The late Fidel Castro would probably spit out his cigar if he heard that one—a billionaire who branded excess claiming the slogans of the proletariat."

    It's funny how these leftist journalists act like Fidel Castro was some saint who fought for the poor. The average Cuban earns about $30.00 per month. Fidel Castro's net worth was $900 million. He was no idealistic saint helping the proletariat. He was a conning, murdering, authoritarian POS. I'm glad the jeep hauling his ashes broke down in the middle of the funeral procession.

    But yeah, Time had not choice to nominate him Person of the Year. It would have been fun to see their tears as they made that issue of Time


    • Originally posted by Walker View Post
      I thought this quote was interesting...

      "The late Fidel Castro would probably spit out his cigar if he heard that one—a billionaire who branded excess claiming the slogans of the proletariat."

      It's funny how these leftist journalists act like Fidel Castro was some saint who fought for the poor. The average Cuban earns about $30.00 per month. Fidel Castro's net worth was $900 million. He was no idealistic saint helping the proletariat. He was a conning, murdering, authoritarian POS. I'm glad the jeep hauling his ashes broke down in the middle of the funeral procession.

      But yeah, Time had not choice to nominate him Person of the Year. It would have been fun to see their tears as they made that issue of Time
      The left celebrates murderous Marxist dictators like Castro and Guevara because they are simply the natural progression of their political ideology. They like to call them "revolutionaries".


      • Originally posted by SHOCKvalue View Post
        The left celebrates murderous Marxist dictators like Castro and Guevara because they are simply the natural progression of their political ideology. They like to call them "revolutionaries".
        Definitely. A lot of them didn't even try to hide the fact they were Castro lovers when he died. I wanted to puke when I saw Canada's PM comment about how he was a remarkable leader who served his people. I never thought we'd see the day a Western leader would praise communist dictator. Thank God Justin Trudeau is just the PM of Canada because he is such an idiot. I swear he's the real life Derek Zoolander.


        • Originally posted by Walker View Post
          I never thought we'd see the day a Western leader would praise communist dictator.

          Never forget:


          • #TradeDrake4Harambe
            People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do. -Isaac Asimov

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded
            Who else posts fake **** all day in order to maintain the acrimony? Wingnuts, that's who.


            • With Harambe, the Valley would instantly be the greatest conference. Ever.


              • Trump talk gets Megyn Kelly booed in Hollywood

                ""Boo!" rang out a few scattered voices at the seated*affair, followed by*Kathy Griffin raising*her middle finger in the air. "There is. Stop that," chided Kelly, before she spotted Griffin and followed up with a joke."

                "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                  Trump talk gets Megyn Kelly booed in Hollywood

                  ""Boo!" rang out a few scattered voices at the seated*affair, followed by*Kathy Griffin raising*her middle finger in the air. "There is. Stop that," chided Kelly, before she spotted Griffin and followed up with a joke."

                  Hate to quote myself, but I’d love to stand in a 'long line' to slap the $hit out of Kathy Griffin.

                  Add Stephen Colbert to my 'slap' list...

                  "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                  • Originally posted by WstateU View Post
                    Hate to quote myself, but I’d love to stand in a 'long line' to slap the $hit out of Kathy Griffin.

                    Me too. Even in this weather.


                    • Oh hell yeah. I'd love to slap the Botox out of Kathy Griffin's untalented ass. Same goes for that annoying, one trick pony Colbert.


                      • Originally posted by Walker View Post
                        Same goes for that annoying, one trick pony Colbert.
                        Makes me uncomfortable watching him play-it-straight. It just ain't workin'! He's not too good at it.


                        • "You Just Want to Slap The #### Outta Some People"


                          • Comment

                            • Trump has somehow been even worse than anticipated so far. Just the first things that come to mind:

                              1. He has opted to not receive daily intelligence briefings because he's "like, a smart person." This is despite criticizing President Obama two years ago because he believed Obama wasn't getting briefed daily.

                              2. He is going to allow the businesses to remain in the family according to his Twitter (though, there should be another press conference today to detail the plan). He's going to have more conflicts of interest than any president in history, and no one seems to want to hold him accountable.

                              3. Speaking of his Twitter, he's continued to act very foolishly. He continues to harp on Saturday Night Live, instigate China, and openly discuss Taiwan (though, I should probably include that in the "instigate China" category).

                              4. In regards to the hacking, rumors are that the White House discussed possibilities with Congress in September, and Mitch McConnell stated that any effort by the White House to discuss Russian hacking would be considered "partisan politics." Then, McConnell's wife was rewarded with a cabinet position. McConnell now openly disagrees with Trump, though, and believes we need to investigate the hacks.

                              5. Speaking of Russia, this is a very revealing poll regarding the favorability of Putin with Republicans.

                              6. I guess that's fitting, since the new Secretary of State has ample business dealings in Russia.

                              7. Overall, he promised to "drain the swamp," but his nominations as a whole appear to be more of the same.


                              • When asked by CNN if Trump's cabinet selections were "too white", he responded.............."“I’ve lived all my life in America and I’m 80-years-old. So I have seen discrimination at its worse. I understand slavery — I study history.
                                The only thing that I’ve always done, I’ve tried to make sure that I was a decent person and that I worked outside of myself to make things better. So I don’t always look at black and white.
                                I’m going to say this to you, and I don’t ever say this, the three greatest people in my life were white, okay? My high school coach, my high school superintendent, and my mentor in Manhasset, Long Island. I never had a father really. My great grandmother raised me.
                                But I was in this country where I got help from people that were not of my same color. So I don’t come out of the box, I don’t come out of the box as racial. I look for good people and people that will be like-minded and help and help me try to do good for other human beings.”
                                -------------Jim Brown (the greatest running back who has ever lived)

