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  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

    Hey don't be afraid of covid if you're standing 6 feet away from the hacking infected people you are standing in line with. After all Fauci's CDC said that'll keep you safe, right?
    Scientifically based guidance...

    Dr. Fauci and/or the CDC/NIH don't have access to a time machine. They get the news the same way the rest of us do. It's their job to interpret the data and offer the best solutions available at the time. The cycle continues to repeat until the threat is greatly reduced or eliminated.

    Everything else is just noise. You guys in here wallowed in the noise.
    Last edited by C0|dB|00ded; 4 weeks ago. Reason: Changed the graphic so it would be easier to read


    • In an interview with STAT, Anthony Fauci, the former NIAID director, said he'd "never been as sick in my life" but added he's "absolutely going in the right direction."

      Anthony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is recovering at home after being hospitalized for nearly a week for West Nile virus infection.

      Fauci, a leader of the U.S. Covid-19 response, spent six days in hospital as doctors tried to figure out what was responsible for his illness. It was thought he had a bacterial infection, or had been infected with a tick-borne disease, until a blood test showed he was “strongly positive” for West Nile virus.

      Fauci, 83, told STAT he has never been so ill.

      “I really felt like I’d been hit by a truck,” he said in an interview Saturday. “I have to tell you, I’ve never been as sick in my life. Ever. By far, this is the worst I’ve ever been with an illness.”​​
      In other Dr. Fauci news... looks like he got a BAD case of the West Nile. It really knocked him on his ass. May I speak for us all in wishing him a speedy and thorough recovery?!!

      Maybe he should have tried Ivermectin?


      • KW is lapping the competition in this played-out bit.
        Deuces Valley.
        ... No really, deuces.
        "Enjoy the ride."

        - a smart man


        • When will the West Nile vaccines come out?
          Deuces Valley.
          ... No really, deuces.
          "Enjoy the ride."

          - a smart man


          • He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
            "Say it slowly and savor it..."
            Nothing worse than sCUm/sKUm


            • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
              He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
              Allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders, rapists to be free to roam our streets and giving them housing food and medical from my tax dollars is ok.
              Removing your democratically elected nominee and throwing an unelected alternate in his place is ok.

              But by God you should never take a picture at Arlington.

              Priorities of some are just amazing to see. Says allot about yours.


              • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                Excellent point. He must really despise our men and women in uniform, those that have given all, and especially those annoying Gold Star families.
                Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                  Excellent point. He must really despise our men and women in uniform, those that have given all, and especially those annoying Gold Star families.
                  Taking those pictures is apparently a worse act than the act that caused them to be killed in the eyes of some.
                  I don't know for sure, but I have my doubts about this breaking a law. Maybe a rule. But maybe it is a law. There used to be a law in maize against throwing a rock across a street. I guess I should be in prison, because I broke that law many times in my childhood and maybe a time or two as an adult.

                  Dems are getting desperate.
                  Lock him up.


                  • Originally posted by Atxshoxfan View Post

                    Taking those pictures is apparently a worse act than the act that caused them to be killed in the eyes of some.
                    I don't know for sure, but I have my doubts about this breaking a law. Maybe a rule. But maybe it is a law. There used to be a law in maize against throwing a rock across a street. I guess I should be in prison, because I broke that law many times in my childhood and maybe a time or two as an adult.

                    Dems are getting desperate.
                    Lock him up.
                    Trump negotiated the withdrawal in the first place, to be clear. Second, on what basis do you have to believe it's not a law? Did you do any research? Read any articles? You're starting to sound just like him which, if unintentional, is hilarious.

                    "I don't know for sure, but I have my doubts about this breaking a law. Maybe a rule. But maybe it is a law."
                    "Say it slowly and savor it..."
                    Nothing worse than sCUm/sKUm


                    • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post
                      He's a piece of garbage for disrupting the graves of recently fallen soldiers at Arlington. And the right tries to pride themselves on "patriotism"...
                      Didn’t the current administration abandon a whole company of American citizens and soldiers a couple years ago and basically left them for dead?
                      Deuces Valley.
                      ... No really, deuces.
                      "Enjoy the ride."

                      - a smart man


                      • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post

                        Trump negotiated the withdrawal in the first place, to be clear. Second, on what basis do you have to believe it's not a law? Did you do any research? Read any articles? You're starting to sound just like him which, if unintentional, is hilarious.

                        "I don't know for sure, but I have my doubts about this breaking a law. Maybe a rule. But maybe it is a law."
                        Yes Trump negotiated the withdrawal. But Biden and Harris executed their plan not Trump's.
                        I will look into this rule or law thing, but believing left wing need outlets is not a thing that I do.
                        If they were accurate and honest in their reporting, they wouldn't have pushed the Trump Russia collision hoax, they would have exposed the Hunter laptop truth. Just to name a few.
                        I get it your a Trump hater, and that's fine. To each their own, but your priorities are definitely off kilter if you believe taking a picture at Arlington is worse than the thing in my previous post.


                        • So after a little research I find that photos are allowed and are taken frequently for personal use, commercial use and use by news.
                          That being said, they may not be used for political reasons (by regulation/ law). So the premise that it was disrespectful is mute since one can do it for many reasons.
                          Were the photos taken by Trump's team used for political ads or his campaign? That is very debatable. I saw them on the news but not in any campaign ads.
                          So I'm sure Dems will use this to target him again, which will just solidify Trump's base further.


                          • I wonder why it was ok for these former presidents?
                            You do not have permission to view this gallery.
                            This gallery has 3 photos.


                            • Originally posted by wsushockerdude View Post

                              Trump negotiated the withdrawal in the first place, to be clear.
                              You are stating half truths, which also means you are stating half lies.

                              Trump’s negotiated withdrawal had no concrete dates attached (only goals and benchmarks).

                              Trump and Pompeo advocated benchmarks that had to be reached prior to withdrawals of troops. We were down to Bagram Air Force Base troop personnel (2500) under Trump (with mission support to Afghan troops mainly in the area of maintaining air dominance) and without the remaining benchmarks reached, it had ended there prior to Biden taking office.

                              Only Biden attached a date to remove all troops, abandon all allies (including Afghan and European allies who were against leaving), abandon all Afghan and American citizens which included intelligence resources, and billions of dollars of weapon resources. Biden’s withdrawal was a disastrous failure and many American citizens and allies were left behind and murdered.


                              • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                                Excellent point. He must really despise our men and women in uniform, those that have given all, and especially those annoying Gold Star families.
                                Naw, it just proves he can't follow the rules.

