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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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  • wufan
    Socialists/communists don’t care about the poor, they just hate the rich.

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  • shocktown
    commented on 's reply
    No doubt with AOC GREEN NEW DEAL.

    Some Hollywood writer could really cash in by developing a prequel script for Idiocracy set in our current time frame going forward say 20 years.

    What might it be titled? How about ‘Birth of Idiocracy: President Alexandria Mountain Dew Ocasio Herberta Cortez’

  • abdullah_sharif
    commented on 's reply
    cmon cold.... shame on you for not posting the picture that says “horray for socialist bartenders.... free drinks for all”

  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by ShockerPrez View Post
    Socialism and anyone advocating for it, are either intellectually lazy or tyrannical oppressors.

    Their "moral authority" gives them the right to be tyrannical oppressors... Er, something like that.

    Perhaps our local Jungian scholar can come over here and explain it for us. Maybe it's FOX News? Could it be their hatred of the President?

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  • WuDrWu
    commented on 's reply
    So clear and concise. Just perfect ShockerPrez

  • Downtown Shocker Brown
    commented on 's reply
    They don’t have to drastically change the message, just the delivery. I have seen many presentations on how to communicate with Millenials. The left just does a better job of it than the right does.

    If you run or work higher up in a company and havent heard Jason Dorsey, you need to have him come speak to your leaders.

  • Kung Wu
    commented on 's reply
    Shhhhhh! I am working on a plan for my kid to become super rich and in power, and I need socialism to really get my plan to take off -- don't ruin it for me!

  • ShockerPrez
    Socialism and anyone advocating for it, are either intellectually lazy or tyrannical oppressors.

    If you believe it allows for equality and innovation, you are stupid. If you know it doesn't and still advocate for it, then you foresee yourself as being in control, or juiced into the top.

    The more socialistic societies of Western Europe are able to function because they are smaller and ethnically and culturally homogenous (generally speaking). They have the United States to protect, innovate, and trade with.

    It's fools gold to try and apply their version to the United States. It will end in failure economically at best and civil war and maybe even revolution at worst.

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  • C0|dB|00ded
    Occasional cortex is popular because she thinks exactly like a Millennial and Millennials have the loudest voices (all hat no cattle). Our only hope is that they continue to be too lazy to vote and the older generations take care of their health and don't die. The older a Millennial gets the better chance they stumble upon reality.



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  • WuDrWu
    The socialists lefties are little more than moronic fearmongers. Look, we can't pay for all our programs TODAY. We run a trillion dollar deficit. If we took ALL the wealth from the richest 100 Americans, it's not half of one year's budget in this country.

    Let that sink in a bit. Roughly 2.5 trillion dollars. TAKE all their WEALTH. Everything they own, which is mostly paper, TAKE IT ALL. They have nothing left. It's 6-7 months of the government's bills. Now what do you do? You've got no new plans. You haven't changed the climate. The earth still rotates. You've killed all the babies you can. Everyone has weed. Now what do you do? It is mathematically impossible to tax the so called "rich" enough to pay for Medicare for all. Or education for all. WE CAN'T PAY TODAY'S BILLS!

    "I'm tired of hearing we can't afford internet for all. If Iceland can do it, why can't we?" Great point Amy. What did it take to get internet wired to the 10k rural Icelanders? Icelandiacs? Icecubes? A 6 month contract with Cox? Tell me how many illegals are flowing into Iceland living off the government teat?

    This is real world stuff folks. We play with live ammunition. These idiots and the people that cry with them are in for a very rude awakening if they don't change. It's not up to people like me to change. They have to change or we're all screwed.

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  • wufan
    Less than 10% of the American populous holds the views of intersectional indentity politics. They are a vocal minority, but they will not gain substantial power.

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  • WuDrWu
    commented on 's reply
    I hope you're wrong too, but if that's how it goes, then there's going to quickly be a war as that clown show destroys the fabric of this country. They won't be in control long.

  • Shox The Revenant
    Just a thought and I may be wrong, but AOC is the wave of the future. As the Baby Boomers slowly pass away in the next 10 to 15 years, the Gen X'ers will be the last bastion for the Republican party, Since women, Hispanics, African Americans, LBGTQ, Millennials and Gen Z'ers all tilt toward the Left, I simply don't see the Republican party remaining strong in the future. Conservatives are going to have to modify their politics to adapt to the snowflake generations the way I see it or else they'll go the way of the DoDo. I hope I'm wrong.

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  • ShockingButTrue
    Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post
    You mean you get nervous about brainwashed children that come into power without having any understanding of what damage socialism has done to millions and millions of people all over the globe throughout recent history?
    You're right. These kids today think America is so rotten and evil that socialism would be a step up. They don't seem to love their own country, and anyone who does is most probably a bigot, in their eyes, even if said patriot -ahem- "doesn't know it,"

    Just as telling is the obvious fact that they DESPISE the President of the United States. A lot of these people are legitimately deranged. They've assumed the position of moral superiority, thus gaining the right to demean and belittle, which actually contradicts a moral and ethical stance.

    Blame Fox News my a--.

    Asked what Monday's number mean, a senior Democratic House aide confided on background: 'I don't know yet if it's horrible, but it sure isn't good.'
    Last edited by ShockingButTrue; February 11, 2019, 11:50 AM.

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  • Kung Wu
    You mean you get nervous about brainwashed children that come into power without having any understanding of what damage socialism has done to millions and millions of people all over the globe throughout recent history?

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