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Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

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  • Originally posted by WuDrWu View Post
    All these young people that are testing positive.....are any of them showing symptoms at all? Has even one been hospitalized?
    The Coronavirus Disease 2019–Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (COVID-NET) was implemented to produce robust, weekly, age-stratified COVID-19–associated hospitalization rates.

    Hospitalization rates for the young compared to the older are low, but it's not the young being hospitalized that experts are worried about. It's their seeding of the virus to their elders which will obviously happen.

    One thing that few experts prefer not to talk about are the possible long-term effects from a Covid-19 infection beyond the normal fabrosis that critical care patients suffer from. There are so many unknowns about a novel virus. It's smart to just avoid getting infected if you can manage.

    People only have to sacrifice for a few months until more data is gathered. To be an "early adopter" with respect to saying **** YOU CORONA, I'm gonna live my life like I wanna... is not the best strategy when facing a foreign enemy to put it mildly. The best strategy would be to exercise caution until more is known.




    • Originally posted by Dave Stalwart View Post
      I bet it is blowing some SN people's minds to have CB on their side of this issue. Probably making some of them very uneasy.

      I'm on the side of truth and logic on this subject my friend. I cannot drink the Republican Kool-Aid in the face of such an existential, economic, and political threat. I am on a mission of kindness and truth here - erring on the side of caution.







        • Originally posted by ShockerFever View Post
          It only 15% of this country has been infected, then this thing is far less contagious than we suspect.
          This! So many people have already had the virus and many did not even show symptons or know they had it. It is extremely mild in the majority of people. I guarantee that WAY more than 15% of the population has had it. It is not worth closing our entire economy down for 18 months until there is a vaccine. We quarantined for a few months (when they originally said two weeks) so that we could flatten the curve and get a better understanding for the virus. Now that we have done this, the proper thing to do is to open the country and economy back up and let those most at risk take the extra precautions and let those who are at low risk do their thing. This is the logical approach. We should not trash the country for a small percentage of the population who is most at risk. They have been told what to do and it is up to them to take necessary measures.


          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
            First off, I do agree that N95 masks are the best choice if available, but I do not agree that cloth masks are the equivalent of being maskless. That statement is absurd.
            Did I say that? Maybe you have me confused with someone else?

            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
            Just like it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg, it only takes one Coronavirus to infect a human cell.
            A person has to take in about 1,000 coronavirus particles to have enough concentration to be of concern. When an infected human is speaking they inject about 200 coronavirus particles per minute. So a 5 minute conversation with an infected person -- with neither wearing a mask -- puts you in the danger zone. When they cough it's nasty and when they sneeze it's downright super nasty.
            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


            • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

              This! So many people have already had the virus and many did not even show symptons or know they had it. It is extremely mild in the majority of people. I guarantee that WAY more than 15% of the population has had it. It is not worth closing our entire economy down for 18 months until there is a vaccine. We quarantined for a few months (when they originally said two weeks) so that we could flatten the curve and get a better understanding for the virus. Now that we have done this, the proper thing to do is to open the country and economy back up and let those most at risk take the extra precautions and let those who are at low risk do their thing. This is the logical approach. We should not trash the country for a small percentage of the population who is most at risk. They have been told what to do and it is up to them to take necessary measures.
              Yep. Originally the goal was to bend the curve. Now the goal has been changed to get to an unrealistic 0% infection rate.

              Deuces Valley.
              ... No really, deuces.
              "Enjoy the ride."

              - a smart man


              • Originally posted by MikeKennedyRulZ View Post

                This! So many people have already had the virus and many did not even show symptons or know they had it. It is extremely mild in the majority of people. I guarantee that WAY more than 15% of the population has had it. It is not worth closing our entire economy down for 18 months until there is a vaccine. We quarantined for a few months (when they originally said two weeks) so that we could flatten the curve and get a better understanding for the virus. Now that we have done this, the proper thing to do is to open the country and economy back up and let those most at risk take the extra precautions and let those who are at low risk do their thing. This is the logical approach. We should not trash the country for a small percentage of the population who is most at risk. They have been told what to do and it is up to them to take necessary measures.

                That's a major leap of faith my friend. Particularly when most of the serology studies I've read have community infections at 1-3% max.

                When I say 15%, I'm being very generous. Social distancing at the onset bought us time, to throw that all away now is silliness.

                P.S. We are opening the country up. I don't think anybody beyond the Leftiest turds are advocating locking the economy down for 18 months. Those fools think money grows on trees.




                • Most experts believe the virus was in this country in January, maybe even sooner. The only thing the lockdown did was bleed this economy to death like an open artery.
                  Deuces Valley.
                  ... No really, deuces.
                  "Enjoy the ride."

                  - a smart man


                  • Originally posted by Kung Wu View Post

                    Did I say that? Maybe you have me confused with someone else?

                    A person has to take in about 1,000 coronavirus particles to have enough concentration to be of concern. When an infected human is speaking they inject about 200 coronavirus particles per minute. So a 5 minute conversation with an infected person -- with neither wearing a mask -- puts you in the danger zone. When they cough it's nasty and when they sneeze it's downright super nasty.
                    I could have sworn you said cloth masks were basically worthless.

                    So with a known viral ejection rate we would then need to figure the average viral concentration the receiver is exposed to based on how much the speaker slobbers, the airflow where they are standing, and the relative distance they are apart.

                    "Taking in" particles needs to be defined.

                    200 ppm sounds like a really low number. Are you speaking to a specific droplet size or just virus period regardless of aerosolization?




                    • Originally posted by pinstripers View Post
                      A lot of sunlight exists down in Brazil my friend and that country is about to exterminate itself...





                      • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post

                        A lot of sunlight exists down in Brazil my friend and that country is about to exterminate itself...



                        Except it’s winter in Brazil where the angle isn’t near as high.
                        Deuces Valley.
                        ... No really, deuces.
                        "Enjoy the ride."

                        - a smart man


                        • Aren’t Italy and Spain essentially opened up? And been so for quite some time?

                          When is their second wave coming?
                          Deuces Valley.
                          ... No really, deuces.
                          "Enjoy the ride."

                          - a smart man


                          • Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                            I could have sworn you said cloth masks were basically worthless.
                            They are not very effective at all, that is true. But they are better than nothing, that is also true. The problem is that people that are at risk think that cloth masks are better than they are. Touting cloth masks as being effective puts them at seriously heightened risk, relative to the alternative that they should/could be using. Those people need to be using surgical masks or N95s.

                            Originally posted by C0|dB|00ded View Post
                            200 ppm sounds like a really low number. Are you speaking to a specific droplet size or just virus period regardless of aerosolization?
                            Just the virus particles themselves. That was from a peer reviewed journal article, but I'm too lazy to go digging for it. Lots of articles reference the 200/min data point, it's super easy to find all over the place.
                            Kung Wu say, man who read woman like book, prefer braille!


                            • Another couple of factors with respect to the recent "spikes" being reported:

                              1) The core of these could be from the mass protests that occurred following the George Floyd murder (hence the larger number of younger positive cases);

                              2) Many more people began going back to the doctor and to hospitals for elective or other issues and were then tested for Covid when they were not testing these before, thus leading to a false "spike" in cases. Meaning that hospitals, like cities in general, are beginning more widespread testing. So it doesn't necessarily mean there is a "spike" it means that more testing is being done and thus more positive cases reported. The focus should be on the death rate which, at least here in California, is declining and has been since April. It is a false pretense and a false narrative preached by the "media" outlets to lead to hysteria, clickbait, and ratings.



                                The Ultraviolet (UV) Index predicts the ultraviolet radiation levels on a 1-11+ scale.




